
Our use of cookies

Bondify uses cookies to improve the website and analyse its traffic. Cookies are small text files, stored on your device, to make your visit more efficient and easy.

For now, Bondify only uses necessary cookies and analytical cookies.

Regarding cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website, your consent is not required. Also, the analytical cookies are anonymised to such extent that your consent is not required at the moment.

If Bondify will use other cookies, your consent will be required. In that case, the cookie banner will alert you.

If you want to change or withdraw your consent, you can do that here.

Necessary Cookies

Analytical cookies

If you want to know more about Bondify, how you can contact Bondify and how Bondify processes personal data, read the Privacy Policy.


Cookies that make the website more visitor-friendly, by remembering cookie-consent-choice and enabling other basic functions. Every website needs necessary cookies.


Used to remember your cookies preferences


HTTP / 1 year


Cookies that help Bondify with analysing how the website is used, which information can be used to improve the experience. At the moment, this is completely anonymous.


If consent is given, used to collect anonymous data about the website usage


HTTP / 2 years


This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report.


HTTP / 24 hours